Orlando King of Atlanta is well-versed in the benefits of recycling. In fact, he’s the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer of 360 Recycling Inc. in Atlanta, Georgia.

Recycling electronics, also known as e-waste, is more important than ever. The world produces more than 50 million tons of e-waste per year, and that number is only expected to rise. According to him, recycling electronics can have positive effects in several ways.

 How recycling electronics can make a positive difference


Electronics recycling is an underappreciated financial prospect. On the flipside, the failure to recycle e-waste is economically damaging on a national and global scale.

The enormous piles of unrecycled electronic waste scattered across the globe are worth more than $62.5 billion, which is more than the GDP of some countries.

This seems like an impossibly high figure until you consider what goes into making these products. Manufacturers construct cell phones and other electronic devices with valuable raw materials, including iron, palladium, gold, platinum, and copper.

In fact, every year, Americans throw away cell phones containing gold and silver worth millions of dollars. Extracting and reusing metals from old devices means that fewer raw materials have to be manufactured, which reduces the need for the challenging and expensive tasks of mining and refining metals.

Overall, recycling electronics reduces business costs, decreases spending on mining and deforestation, and generates jobs in the recycling industry. The economic upsides alone make it a worthwhile prospect.


https://issuu.com/orlando-king, throwing away electronic devices is a wasted opportunity to contribute to the well-being of others. Around the world, billions of people cannot afford to buy a cell phone, which limits their access to communication and the internet.

Donating a cell phone, computer, or another gadget gives electronic access to those who cannot afford to buy new devices. Increased accessibility is critical to decreasing the technology and education gaps around the world.


The environmental benefits of recycling e-waste are probably the most familiar and important. This isn’t surprising considering the enormity of the effects of e-waste.

Only around 17% of discarded electronics go through a formal recycling process. The rest is informally recycled or thrown into a landfill.

Informal recycling, which happens frequently in lower-income countries, is incredibly dangerous to the people and the environment. Improperly burning and disposing of these materials releases carcinogens and pollutants into the air.

Meanwhile, tossing electronics into landfills affects the soil, ecosystems, and water. When materials like iron, aluminum, and gold begin to erode, they release harmful toxins that pollute the surrounding area. This kills plants and microorganisms and harms the overall health of the environment.

Finally, there are significant amounts of pollution generated during the manufacturing process. Recycling reduces the need for high levels of manufacturing as well as mining and extraction.

360 Recycling Solutions

Mr. King is at the heart of the financial health and future growth of 360 Recycling, a minority-owned energy company that specializes in renewable energy and sustainability.

Reach out to 360 Recycling if you want to learn more about how recycling can lead to a cleaner and healthier world.