There’s no denying the fact that the world we live in needs more trees. Along with the wave of development, the trees are getting fewer day by day, especially in urban areas.

Taking a step forward towards preserving the greenery, the citizens of Agra have decided to replace the loss of each tree by planting more. On Earth Day, they promised to plant 100 trees in their lifetime.

Speaking on the matter, Squadron Leader (Retd.) A K Singh told India Today that 1000 trees are chopped down every day to make paper napkins.

“The cutting down of these trees and the use of plastic are together the cause of global warming, as plastic decomposes in centuries. The kind of heat India is experiencing in March-April is indicative of the level of global warming. If every citizen plants at least 100 trees in his lifetime, future generations will be able to live in a better atmosphere than today,” he said.

Talking about the rise of skin diseases in the youth, Hindustani Biradari Vice-Chairman Vishal Sharma said that the lack of green cover is giving rise to an increased number of skin cancer cases in the younger generation.

He added that the pesticides used in agriculture and chemicals used in pesticides are causing various other types of cancers in the younger generation. Sharma revealed that he has planted a lot of fruit trees in his garden which benefits not just his family, but his neighbours as well.
